Official Two Hours One Life Wiki

Welcome to the Official Two Hours One Life Wiki!

This is a place where you can find all the information needed for playing 2HOL. We are currently maintaining 1,712 pages (196 articles), written by 34,379,828 users.

About Two Hours One Life

[One Hour One Life] is a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building by Jason Rohrer. The game was officially released on February 27, 2018.

Two hours, One Life is a free to play moderation of the open source game, One Hour, One Life. Built majorly from community suggestions, input & feedback.

Within 2HOL are many changes built on top & still merged with the original game. Along with many notable original mechanics, items and extra balancing the most prominent of these changes is that you live two hours, twice as long as you do in the base game.

Also a big part of Two Hours, One Life is the RPG aspect with the incorporation of 'Nations'. Where guilds of players acting as a 'Nation' will soon be given the tools & mechanics to fight over territory & other resources.


We are currently maintaining 1,712 pages (196 articles)!
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